Monday, February 16, 2009

Retirees From The United States Find A New Home At Rosarito Beaches In Mexico

Many Americans just starting or already in their retirement years have come to the conclusion that if they want to spend the golden years of their lives in a positively different, more relaxed environment compared to that of the U.S., and where, at the same time, they can have a good life without breaking the bank, they should seriously consider moving to Mexico.

Recently it has transcended in the news that hundreds of Americans are moving to the famous Rosarito Beaches area in the state of Baja California. It is paradoxical that as thousands of poor Mexicans are trying to get across the border northbound looking for a job; these many Americans cross the border southbound looking for an affordable house or apartment where to spend their retirement years. Of course the most looked after places in Rosarito are those with a good view to the beach, complementing the advantage of being close enough to the hospital and medical services of San Diego, in the U.S.

Baja California\'s Tourism and Conventions Committee chairman has commented; \For them the beach in Rosarito is very attractive because it\'s the same as in California, and the costs for a home here are very attractive. They are also attracted by the fact that they are in a different country but still near their home places and close to medical and other services in their country\.

Rosarito is only 40 minutes from the Tijuana border crossing point and is located in a section of the 112 km of beach that extends from Tijuana to Ensenada. According to the specialists, properties here can cost 10 times less than in the United States. This is so attractive for many Americans that the number of real estate projects has passed from 1 to 120 in the last 5 years according to the Real Estate Association President of Rosarito Beaches. He also indicated that it has been forecasted that during 2006 investments in real estate will reach 2500 million dollars, three times the figure reported in 2005.

It is interesting to know that daily, in average, there are 8 Americans retirees that are looking for a place to live in the Rosarito area, this without considering the Europeans and Chinese that also have began to consider spending their retirement years in the area.

The message is clear, those expecting to retire in the coming years should be considering Rosarito Beaches as one of their main options, everything indicates they will not regret it.

If you are thinking about retiring in Mexico or just want to learn more about all the great things you can find in this beautiful country, you should visit this great resource:


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